SoulCollage® Mini Course: The Community Suit
Friends. Family. Pets. Places. Find deeper self-love and healing with your SoulCollage® Community Suit.
Who in your life today would you call on for help in the middle of the night?
Which past family members do you believe you have inherited traits from?
What places feel healing or inspiring to you?
Want to explore deeper self love through loving connection to your community?
Welcome to SoulCollage®
The intention of SoulCollage®: to offer a creative practice for exploring, healing and evolving our many-faceted Souls so every Soul is able to manifest its unique SoulEssence in increasingly balanced and joy-filled forms.
~ Seena Frost, creator of SoulCollage®
What is SoulCollage®?
SoulCollage® is a gentle, accessible, creative process for exploring your life. By making beautiful collages of found images you create little windows into your soul and can come to know yourself at a deeper level – promoting personal growth and self-acceptance. Allowing your intuition and imagination to guide you, you create your own “deck” of SoulCollage ® cards – each one a reflection of a different aspect of who you are… Your inner child, your warrior, your artist. All the parts of you are worthy and worth knowing better.
Is SoulCollage® for you?
Yes! SoulCollage® can be for everyone…
- Do you want to know yourself better?
- Are you familiar with personal growth work but would like to add a visual and creative element to your journey?
- Ever wonder what it is within you that drives you to make certain choices?
- Would you like a fun, nurturing community to grow within?
SoulCollage® can be for anyone, at anytime.
Getting started is easy. The supplies are minimal and you probably have most of them already laying around.
Our Community Suit SoulCollage ® Cards
"The Community Suit contains cards for those beings, that impact your personal story with their energy... these beings offer the "net" of their love and wisdom, but also may "net" you with their demands and challenges. They are guides, allies, and challengers... In readings we intuit their opinions and wisdom in answer to our questions." ~ Seena Frost
If you have found yourself at this course, I hope you have stumbled into the fun, fulfilling world of SoulCollage® just as I did all those years ago.
All of you is welcome here…
… come on in… wander around… get inspired… go create!
~ JJ
Your Instructor
You deserve to feel good expressing your divine creativity. I work as an artist, crafter, cheerleader, and teacher in order to help you find and express your creative fire. I am a lifelong artist, professional marketer with 20+ years of experience, Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Aromatherapist, and SoulCollage® Facilitator.
Course Curriculum
StartGetting Started
StartWe Women Build a Temple
StartGathering Your Supplies
StartSoulCollage® Images
StartPrivate & Offline Cards
StartCards to Share with Royalty Free Images
StartThe Collage Chronicles™ Magazine
StartAdditional Resources on Copyright
StartGathering Supplies
Start"Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart..." (0:41)
StartPlaylist of Music for Gathering SoulCollage® Materials
StartAn Opening Reading: “The Mystic Speaks of Love” (0:42)
StartYour SoulCollage® Deck
StartThe One and the Many
StartThe SoulCollage® Deck Diagram
StartHeart: The Community Suit
StartFinding Love and Healing In Community
StartChallenging Individuals
StartImages for Community Cards
StartShadow & Mystery
StartMaking SoulCollage® Community Cards
StartUsing Your Community Cards
StartCommunity Card Assignment
StartPlaylist for SoulCollage® Cardmaking Flow